Wellness Assessment

Please take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire below to see if you are a good fit to work with The Fitness Project. 

Your best email so we can send you the zoom link
Your cell in case we don't receive email confirmation
Selected Value: 0
1: "I was not consistent with my eating, did not track what I ate and likely did not come close to my targets"
5: "I meal prepped, ate some of my meals but was off my diet for a few days."
10: "I meal prepped, stuck to my macros, and consistently ate within (+ or -) 10 g of my fats, carbs and protein goal!"
Selected Value: 0
1: "I was not consistent with my training, I did not make it to the gym this week"
5: "I made it to the gym 2 days, did some but not all my cardio, had decent workouts."
10: "I killed it in the gym! Hit all my workouts and cardio sessions with high intensity"
(meal prep, sticking to eating my meals, finding time to make it to the gym, etc.)
(meal prep, sticking to eating my meals, finding time to make it to the gym, etc.)
(meal prep, sticking to eating my meals, finding time to make it to the gym, etc.)
(meal prep, sticking to eating my meals, finding time to make it to the gym, etc.)
Traveling this week? Injuries? Special occasions ahead?